BMI Federal Credit Union
Car Buying Service Powered by TrueCar®
Save Time and Money
Start your next car search - for a new or used vehicle - with the Car Buying Service, powered by TrueCar®. Make car buying an easier and friendlier experience that guarantees you savings on your vehicle purchase price so you don't overpay.
Just follow these easy steps:
1. Compare: Visit our Car Buying Service Powered by TrueCar auto buying site. Research a new car based on your preferences, or search thousands of pre-owned inventory and see dealer-guaranteed prices.
2. Connect: Once you choose the car you like, work with a network of local, TrueCar Certified Dealers. Select a dealer and print your Guaranteed Savings Certificate*.
3. Get Pre-Approved: Now you're ready to shop for that new car!
TrueCar, Inc. ("TrueCar") operates this information publishing website ("Service") that features pricing, performance, technical and safety data available for new and used car/truck purchases at participating dealers. The lowest possible price is not guaranteed. The Service is not available in all locations.
Certified Dealers are contractually obligated by TrueCar to meet certain customer service requirements and complete the TrueCar Dealer Certification Program. Neither TrueCar nor BMI Federal Credit Union brokers, sells, or leases motor vehicles. Unless otherwise noted, all vehicles shown on this website are offered for sale by licensed motor vehicle dealers. Used vehicles are subject to prior sale. By accessing this website, you agree to the TrueCar Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
*Guaranteed Savings currently not available in all states. In these states, a Target Price is shown, which is a market-based example of what you can reasonably expect to pay for your vehicle as configured. Your configured vehicle may not be available or in-stock at the Certified Dealer.